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Philonise Floyd Gives Gratitude to Raiders for Support

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Philonise Floyd Shows Love to the Raiders

Philonise Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, has thanked the Raiders football team for their unwavering support after owner Mark Davis issued a statement on Twitter. That statement drew backlash following the conviction of officer Derek Chauvin. The unsavory and mocking phrase “I can breathe” was using by supporters of police in New York after the death of Eric Garner in 2014. However, in fact, Davis said he wouldn’t have used that phrase if he knew the loaded and controversial history behind it, but he chose not to delete the tweet. Moreover, Floyd went ahead then issued a statement through the family’s attorney on Wednesday. This was a day after the tweet sent on the team’s official account saying: “I CAN BREATHE 4-20-21.”

Mark Davis Speaks out and Clarifies about the Content of his Twitter Statement

“Yes, it’s a tough situation,” he saying in a phone interview Tuesday night. “I really feel bad it was taking in a way it wasn’t meant to be done. In fact, that can only be my fault for not explaining it.”

Driving when the verdict was announcing, David said. He had heard Floyd’s brother, Philonise, make the statement that “we can all breathe again” and it was then, he deciding to make that message the team’s response.

“Reflecting on that, I thought, ok that said a lot,” Davis said. “It really said a lot about everything. I thought it was something really important where we could all breathe again. Yes, in fact, justice was truly served. Yet, we still have a lot of work to do on social justice and police brutality. But today, we celebrate that justice was really done.”

Unfortunately, the tweet was widely condemning in replies on Twitter. Though it did remain pinned to the top of the Las Vegas Raiders team’s Twitter account until Wednesday morning.

“Sadly, it was taking negatively by 99% of the people,” Davis said. “Unfortunately, that happens. That’s part of social media.”

George Floyd Case Rallies the Nation and Sparked Outrage all Over

George Floyd told officers “I can’t breathe” more than 20 times before he was killing when the infamous Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck last May. Chauvin has now been convicting of murder and manslaughter on Tuesday for causing Floyd’s death. He is notorious across the globe for this heinous and unconscionable act in an inflammatory and contentious case that triggering worldwide protests, violence, and a rigorous reexamination of racism and policing in the U.S.

Philonise Floyd Praises the Las Vegas Raiders Organization for its Support for his Entire Family

“On behalf of our entire family, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Las Vegas Raiders organization. I appreciate their leadership for their support of our family. I want to give respect to our nation’s ongoing pursuit of justice and equality for all,” Philonise Floyd said. “At this time now, more than ever, we must come together as one. Thus, go on, and continue in this fight. Symbolically, for the first time, in almost a year, our family has taken a collective breath. Moreover, I know that goes for so many across the nation and globe, as well. Now, let’s take this breath together in honor of my big brother who couldn’t. Let’s do it for George.”

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